1 Idle Drifter  Mar 26, 2008 7:40:56pm

So is someone going to finish the Mona Lisa? I’m not very religious but I do appreciate the stories within the Bible, besides I hate when people think it’s necessary to change things to makie it “better.” Look at how much grief George Lucas received over changing the bar scene to Gredo shooting first and missing with Han Solo returning the favor instead of shooting first. There’s that dread idea of “change” again, it has to be some sick, twisted conspiracy….nope just really stupid people.

2 Josephine  Mar 26, 2008 7:49:23pm

He’s an Anglican priest but he’s not interested in the religious aspects of the stories, just the cultural ones. So why did he rewrite the stories if he appreciates their “cultural” aspects?

Christians base their faith on the Bible. Changing the stories changes their meaning and removes the basis for the faith.

This just confirms my opinion that the Catholic and Evangelical churches will be the last ones standing.

The Presbyterian, United and Anglican church organizations in the UK and North America are no longer Christian, as far as I’m concerned. (I’m not saying that all of their members are no longer Christian. But those who still are Christian will either demand change, as some Anglicans are doing, or they will change denominations.)

3 pat  Mar 26, 2008 9:24:13pm

Sorry Josephine, Kilgore cannot be allowed to push this. And this Dhimmi must be put down.
(normally I love your posts)

4 Josephine  Mar 27, 2008 12:20:30pm

re: #3 pat

Thanks for explaining the down-ding, Pat.

I think it’s newsworthy but in a bad way. I was disgusted and thought others might be, too.

/down-ding, ding-down, negatory-ding-dong-dang?

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